TMS History
The history of Twisted Metal Stunters (TMS) is something that the crew of TMS take great pride in - in a short space of time, the stunters have come a long way to achieving the status they hold now. If you are someone who is interested in the history of one of the most exciting and entertaining crews currently out there, then read on!
In the beginning...

The history of TMS starts in the early San Andreas PlayStation2 days. Buzzsaw and Gotups made some really impressive PS2 stunt vids which inspired other people to stunt. The first XSA crew vid "Domination" was released and people like JDHJJ, Turtle Dick, DeathCobra, smallbrady89 and Sean Johnson aka Sweet started making some PS2 vids. JDHJJ joined the unknown BaseMent crew, while DeathCobra joined XSA.

June 18th - 19th 2005
Turtle Dick, JDHJJ and Sweet continued making solo vids. When Turtle Dick released his third ps2 solo vid "Destruction", Juan (of XSA) wondered why the three of us didn't form a crew.
JDHJJ left the BaseMent crew and later that evening the three of us started an unnamed crew.

June 20th 2005
Sweet released "Devastation", a really bad quality vid with awesome ps2 stunts. With the SA-PC version being released a few days ago, Calcos joined the crew. JDHJJ and Calcos were discussing the crew name when Calcos came up with "Twisted Metal Stunters". Sweet and Turtle liked it, so TMS was born.

June 21th 2005
"Crash Course" was released, a PC SA collab vid where Calcos was in.
TMS was impressed by Calcos' stunts, but Calcos quit TMS and joined WH. Sweet went berserk!

Later that week TMS asked: "Ey Smallbrady, wheres your audition vid?"
A few days later he made one and got in.

July 10th 2005
Sweet and Turtle wanted to make a VC vid, but both really sucked back then. So they decided to ask Kingjad to feature in the vid, and also edit it.
After some long thinking Kingjad said "aye", and the next day the joined TMS.

July 13th - 14th 2005
Kingjad opened the BETA version of the TMS website, which was a good way to inform people Smallbrady89 has been given the boot due to lack of sending stunts and showing interest.

The next week everything went smoothly, apart from Sweet and JDHJJ having occasional fights, and the crew started working on the first VC crew vid.

TMS started getting recognition

July 21th 2005
kert6699 released his second SA PC solo vid which impressed the SA stunters of TMS, and they asked Kert to join. A few hours later wite_gangsta joined after releasing his VC vs SA solo vid.

July 23th 2005
Kingjad finished the first ever TMS vid: "The Boys are Back in Town". The vid got some good replies as we were a young crew, and everyone knew we would improve alot in the future.
The next few weeks the SA dudes started working on the first TMS SA vid, "Altitude".

July 26th 2005
Kingjad does a major upheavel on the TMS website, re-locates it too, and everyone re-joices - it looks awesome.

July 31st 2005
The start of the Tournament - where Sweet and Turtle did TMS proud, Turtle reaching the last 8 and losing to ATS' ZeroX. Both Kingjad and Sweet lost out to the eventual finalists, Daffy and Kaneda, and Kaneda won the tournament.

August 26th 2005
After bugging wite_gangsta for a few weeks he decided to finally send "Altitude" to Kingjad over msn, which was released later that day. Kingjad then uploaded to Filefront and the video received good feedback - wite had done a great editing job and all the stunts were nice.

September 10th 2005
Fate leaves TMS after continual arguements with Sweet - just as Kingjad was working on the TMS VC crew video, which would have two very special guests - Kaneda of ATS, and Juan of XSA.

September 21st 2005
theantidote joins TMS just in time to submit replays for the VC crew video, after impressing with his audition video.

A day later, Sweet and Fate do a Vice City collab together, and not a bad one at that.

October 9th 2005
Turtle Dick is part of a San Andreas video called 'Atelophobia', which also featured Tackleberry, Omni and Death Cobra (the latter two of XSA). It gains rave reviews, as Turtle's SA PC skills are at least just as good as his skills were on the PS2.

A day afterwards, 'Lights Out' was released. It was done on Windows Movie Maker, by Kingjad's choice, and despite an error on Kingjad's part with editing which made everything a tad jumpy the video went down very well. TMS gained a lot of recognition that day, and the rest of TMS were thankful that Kingjad's editing was a lot better than the calibre of his own stunts.

October 14th 2005
Tackleberry joins TMS and is instantly told he's the new San Andreas video-editor! He impressed all in TMS with his stunts in 'Atelophobia', and TMS seems to be gaining an awful lot more praise from folk as the crew works on another San Andreas crew video - with everyone in the crew now on the PC version of San Andreas (except Kingjad).

October 30th 2005
Aries says he wants to leave WH and join TMS - we ask him to make a small audition video, which he does. TMS liked it enough to agree to Aries' pleas and TMS gleefully snap him up. It was on the day before the release of the San Andreas crew video which would really change everyone's opinion of TMS for the better.

October 31st 2005
The plan to release 'Aftershock', the SA crew video on Halloween, goes ahead, and Tackleberry's editing is quite astonishing. Not only that, the stunts too had everyone praising the video day and night. Those who avoid San Andreas videos in preference to Vice City were still praising this video, and TMS were now considered one of the main crews around - there was even talk of a spot being offered to them on

November 5th 2005
theantidote leaves TMS and joins up with Enigma and Daffy at ZS - as ZS had seemingly fallen apart with Samurai and Barney and Theftman all leaving.

More bad news was to follow; XSA and GVT would be given deserved spots on, but there was none given to TMS - it was too soon apparently, TMS were too young a crew.

This was met with quite a strong roar of disapproval by many at GTAS, like Marklund, ZeroX and the general public, truth be told - a poll showed people wanted TMS to get a section the most out of all the other crews in the poll except to XSA, who they were behind - in other words, they were second in the poll (Ahead of GVT) and GVT were seemingly rewarded with a spot because they were a vintage crew, and Andyroo had been planning on doing so for a good while. ZeroX raised some hell and him and MA's animosity grew more intense - but all Kingjad was caring about was how much pressure there now was on him to deliver the goods on the next Vice City crew video. Nothing could top 'Aftershock', it seems...

November 7th 2005
Sweet is one of many great stunters to appear in 'Crash Course 2'

November 19th 2005
m3rrix makes an audition with LC, VC and SA in it - the crew love what they see and welcome m3rrix on-board.

November 27th 2005
Kingjad finally gets 'Exhiliration' released and people agree it's an improvement on Lights Out. Kert and m3rrix steal the show, but sadly wite gangsta misses out due to a wrist injury, and not able to submit stunts in time.


A lot of videos from December - Aries was in a collab with Kaneda, Samurai (his two favourite stunters) and Omni too, in a kick-arse video called 'Quattro'. The TMS and XSA collab is out, entitled 'As One' and is arguably the best San Andreas stunt video ever made, but TMS were devastated that XSA's Juan missed out on it.

Lots of solo's

Between the time 'Boys were back in town' and 'Lights Out' were released, Sweet worked on several SA solo projects, while kert had gotten VC and made a few solos there himself - he quickly got the hang of things.

December 2005
Kert releases a brilliant solo with a special appearance by fellow TMS member Turtle Dick, entitled 'Solarity'. It is a San Andreas stunt video, and being released on the same day as the XSA and TMS collab 'As One' shows folk how Kert can manage to get an incredible amount of quality stunts seemingly with ease.

Meanwhile, Sweet releases his 20th video he's appeared in, and his 10th solo - So What features a couple of stunts by kert and Turtle Dick, but this stunt video in VC and LC is all about the skills of Sweet and how far he's come. He doesn't disappoint.